International Students

College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES), New Mexico State University (NMSU) is one the top ranked Colleges in the United States. It is located in the beautiful sunny and arid southwestern region of the United States in a small city of Las Cruces.
College of ACES has eight academic programs and it offers excellent bachelors, masters and PhD degrees. The College is internationally respected for significant advancements in water, crop, livestock, and environmental management.
The College has highly talented faculty that excel in research and teaching, and are focused on finding scientific, innovative solutions to modern agricultural challenges. Students in the College are from all over the United States and more than 45 countries around the globe.
College of ACES could be your home away from home.
NOTE: International students can be conditionally admitted to ACES-NMSU for intensive English through Center for English Language Programs (CELP). Please visit following website for further information or contact Dr. Shukla:
For more information about educational and research opportunities at ACES-NMSU, please contact:
Dr. Manoj K. Shukla
ACES Global Initiatives Program Coordinator